Kürtaj :

Kürtaj Fiyatı , Kürtaj Fiyatları , Vakum Kürtaj , Kürtaj Yapan Yerler , Gizli Kürtaj , Kürtaj Hastanesi

Kürtaj Hattı: +90 532 054 46 23

Side Effects of Hymenoplasty

Side Effects of Hymenoplasty

Side Effects

Side effects of hymenoplasty can include swelling, tenderness, spotting and discharge. Hymenoplasty procedure may create discomfort for future sexual activities.

Ideal Candidate

Women who are in good overall health who are seeking to restore their hymen for religious, cultural, cosmetic, or physcological reasons are good candidates for a hymenoplasty.

Not Recommended For

Hymenoplasty is not recommended for patients under the age of 18.
Moreover, the results of revirginization surgery may vary from one person to another depending on their age and technique used. Also, it is normal for patients to expect some minor side effects and complications after hymenoplasty. However, with proper aftercare tips these are easily manageable. Speak with us to know more about hymen repair surgery and its cost.

All precautions regarding Corona virus have been taken in our center. We pay great attention to mask, distance and hygiene rules. Our patients who do not vaccinate 2 doses have to come with the PCR test. 💯💯

0532 054 46 23

We are discharged on the same day.

Moreover, the results of revirginization surgery may vary from one person to another depending on their age and technique used. Also, it is normal for patients to expect some minor side effects and complications after hymenoplasty. However, with proper aftercare tips these are easily manageable. Speak with us to know more about hymen repair surgery and its cost.

Hymen Repair Risks & Complications

Hymen Repair Risks & Complications

What is a hymenoplasty?

Hymenoplasty is a surgery aiming at reconstructing the broken hymen. The hymen, usually broken after sexual intercourse, is reconstructed invisibly.

Hymenoplasty is often carried out for individual convenience or after sexual assault.

Every operation has risks and potential complications. Fortunately, the vast majority of our İstanbul Turkey hymenoplasty patients have no problems with their surgery and are extremely happy with their results.

Risks are rare but when they do occur additional medications or even surgery may be required. Such risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, pain with intercourse, and deformity. Also, the amount of bleeding upon first intercourse following surgery cannot be predicted. However, most patients never experience these risks, as they are quite rare.

Complications of Hymenoplasty

There are rarely complications. However, the doctor should be contacted if the patient experiences any of the following symptoms:

• Dizziness
• Pain beyond moderate discomfort after three days
• Unusual or foul smelling discharge
• Intense itching
• Abnormal bleeding
• Inflammation.

Dr. NOAH Gumustekin
0532 054 46 23

We are discharged on the same day.

Moreover, the results of revirginization surgery may vary from one person to another depending on their age and technique used. Also, it is normal for patients to expect some minor side effects and complications after hymenoplasty. However, with proper aftercare tips these are easily manageable. Speak with us to know more about hymen repair surgery and its cost.

Abortion Hospital

Abortion Hospital

You can always contact us for abortion prices in Istanbul. You can make an appointment with our abortion clinic or hospital.

Pregnancy Termination vacuum abortion is performed in our private clinic in Istanbul. It takes place in a hygienic environment with 20 years of gynecologist experience and experience. You can write or call our assistant on WhatsApp to get information about vacuum abortion prices. It is performed under local or general anesthesia according to the patient’s request. Istanbul Abortion prices vary according to the gestational week. As Istanbul Abortion Clinic, we are the address of safe and confidential abortion. Our doctors and team are at the end of the phone to serve you.

Abortion Clinic

Abortion Clinic

You can always contact us for abortion prices in Istanbul. You can make an appointment with our abortion clinic or hospital. Our doctors serve as men and women. You can choose Doctor. Our team has 20 years of experience. The price of abortion with vacuum aspiration varies according to the gestational week. The legal gestation period in Turkey is 10 weeks. Single people can have an abortion voluntarily. It is your choice to sleep or be awake during the abortion process. Please contact us for Istanbul Abortion prices and Safe Abortion prices.

Pregnancy Termination vacuum abortion is performed in our private clinic in Istanbul. It takes place in a hygienic environment with 20 years of gynecologist experience and experience. You can write or call our assistant on WhatsApp to get information about vacuum abortion prices. It is performed under local or general anesthesia according to the patient’s request. Istanbul Abortion prices vary according to the gestational week. As Istanbul Abortion Clinic, we are the address of safe and confidential abortion. Our doctors and team are at the end of the phone to serve you.

Vacuum Abortion

Vacuum abortion

Pregnancy Termination vacuum abortion is performed in our private clinic in Istanbul. It takes place in a hygienic environment with 20 years of gynecologist experience and experience. You can write or call our assistant on WhatsApp to get information about vacuum abortion prices. It is performed under local or general anesthesia according to the patient’s request. Istanbul Abortion prices vary according to the gestational week. As Istanbul Abortion Clinic, we are the address of safe and confidential abortion. Our doctors and team are at the end of the phone to serve you.

You can always contact us for abortion prices in Istanbul. You can make an appointment with our abortion clinic or hospital. Our doctors serve as men and women. You can choose Doctor. Our team has 20 years of experience. The price of abortion with vacuum aspiration varies according to the gestational week. The legal gestation period in Turkey is 10 weeks. Single people can have an abortion voluntarily. It is your choice to sleep or be awake during the abortion process. Please contact us for Istanbul Abortion prices and Safe Abortion prices.

Abortion Price

Abortion Price

You can always contact us for abortion prices in Istanbul. You can make an appointment with our abortion clinic or hospital. Our doctors serve as men and women. You can choose Doctor. Our team has 20 years of experience. The price of abortion with vacuum aspiration varies according to the gestational week. The legal gestation period in Turkey is 10 weeks. Single people can have an abortion voluntarily. It is your choice to sleep or be awake during the abortion process. Please contact us for Istanbul Abortion prices and Safe Abortion prices.

Abortion istanbul

Abortion istanbul
Pregnancy Termination vacuum abortion is performed in our private clinic in Istanbul. It takes place in a hygienic environment with 20 years of gynecologist experience and experience. You can write or call our assistant on WhatsApp to get information about vacuum abortion prices. It is performed under local or general anesthesia according to the patient’s request. Istanbul Abortion prices vary according to the gestational week. As Istanbul Abortion Clinic, we are the address of safe and confidential abortion. Our doctors and team are at the end of the phone to serve you.

Gizli Kürtaj

Gizli KÜRTAJ, İstanbul Kürtaj genelde rahim içinden istenmeyen gebeliğin veya olumsuz gebeliğin tahliye edilmesi anlamında kullanılır. Bunun dışında kürtaj, düşükten sonra rahimde kalan parçanın alınması ya da anormal kanamalara bağlı parça alınmasını içeren rahim içinin temizlenmesi işleminede verilen isimdir. Her ne kadar rahim içinin hastalık durumunda veya anormal gebeliklerde başvurulan işlem olsa da genel olarak istenmeyen gebeliğin sonlandırılması olarak bilinmektedir.

Ülkemizde yasal tahliye dediğimiz, istenmeyen gebelik sonlandırılması yasalarımıza göre 10. gebelik haftasına kadar yapılan bir işlemdir. Gebelik haftası son adet tarihinin ilk gününe göre hesaplanmaktadır, yanlış hesaplamalar olmaması için bu durumun ultrasonla da mutlaka teyit edilmesi gerekmektedir. Gebelik teyidinde ultrasonun yeri çok önemlidir. Ultrasonda işlem öncesi kese görülmesi ve hastada dış gebelik olmadığının kesinleştirilmesi ile daha sonra çıkacak sorunlar başta önlenmiş olur. Yani kese görülmeden KÜRTAJ olunmamalıdır.

Kliniğimizde hasta mahremiyetine katı kurallarla özen gösterilir. Hasta bilgileri hiçbir şekilde üçüncü kişi veya kurumlarla paylaşılmaz.

Düşük İlacı ve Hapı

Düşük ilacı tıbbi  kürtaj yapmak için kullanılan ve sadece uzman hekim kontrolünde kullanılabilen ilaçlara verilen genel bir addır. Düşük ilacı ile kürtaj yapılması için gebeliğin yasal kürtaj süresini geçmiş ve bebekte ya da kadında bazı elzem durumların tespit edilmiş olması gerekir. Ancak halk arasında yaygın olarak düşük hapı ile kürtaj yapılır inancı hakimdir ve bu düşüncenin hiçbir tıbbi geçerliliği yoktur.

Gebeliği sonlandırmak için kullanılabilecek bazı ilaçlar Genellikle düşük ilacı ya da söktürücü iğne gibi isimlerle anılan bu ilaçların kullanılması durumunda gebenin düşük yapacağına ve böylelikle kürtaj olmaya gerek kalmayacağına inanılıyor.

Çocuk Aldırma

Kürtaj ile çocuk aldırma şartlarını yazımızın devamında sizlere açıklıyor olacağız.

Her şeyden önce ülkemizde belirlenen yasalara göre kürtaj olmak için en geç gebelik haftası 10. haftadır. 10 haftayı geçmiş olan gebelikler büyük gebelik olarak adlandırılarak kürtaj işleminin yapılması yasalarca yasaklanmıştır. Gebelik haftası hesaplanırken son regl tarihinizin ilk gününden sonraki süreçten itibaren sayılmaya başlanarak veya ultrason muayenesi neticesinde gebelik haftanız keşfedilebilmektedir.

Gebeliğiniz yazımız içerisinde bahsettiğimiz gibi yasal süre olan 10 haftayı geçmemiş ise isteğe bağlı kürtaj işleminiz gerçekleştirilebilmektedir.

Kürtaj her ne kadar anormal kanama gibi hastalık durumunda tanı ve tedavi amaçlı kullanılan bir rahim içinin temizlenmesi yöntemi veya anormal gebeliklerin sonlandırılmasında başvurulan bir işlem olsa da, genel olarak halk arasında istenmeyen gebeliğin sonlandırılması olarak bilinmektedir.

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